Partner With Us
How will you partner with Flights Above?
Become a Flights Above Sponsor
Flights Above values our sponsors and takes every opportunity to offer our sponsor partners exposure to the GA community. This yearly commitment is the flagship level of partnership with the Flights Above organization and allows businesses to reap the following benefits:
- Access to thousands of pilots and aviation enthusiasts
- Your logo featured on the FlightsAbove.org homepage
- Recognition at Flights Above Events
- Shout-outs on social media
- Sponsorship listings in our Premium Newsletter
Become a Premium Partner
Gain access to a very active demographic of pilots and aviation enthusiasts on three different Flights Above platforms in exchange for offering Premium Members a discount of your choosing. There is NO CHARGE to be a Premium Partner!
- FREE access to thousands of pilots and aviation enthusiasts
- Exposure on FlightsAbove.org with a custom contact page
- Your very own pin on the FATPNW Mobile App
Advertise on FlightsAbove.org
An affordable and easy way to bring your company exposure to an audience of thousands of pilots and aviation enthusiasts.
- Deliver your message to a targeted audience within the Flights Above community across North America
- Competitive pricing and flexible design options
- FREE content creation from our design team available
Flights Above by the numbers:

We would love to talk to you more about how your business can benefit from a partnership with Flights Above. Please fill out the contact form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.